Brand, James Brand

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Coca Cola-ish Mistake committed by Facebook

Hey class, as a total facebook fiend, I just wanted to comment on how the new mini-news story feed function on facebook really reminded me of the Coca Cola mistake we studied in class. I'm sure all of you who have facebook have either noticed this function and the letter from Mark Zuckerberg (the creator of Facebook) apologizing for the lack of privacy controls in this function.

I don't know what you all feel but personally I feel that the function was pretty in sync to what the meaning of the Facebook brand and can't really understand the uproar agaisnt it. Afterall, the meaning of the facebook brand was originally about being able to connect with friends, search for people you want to be friends with, and being available to be friended. Thus, I thought it was rather odd that so many users were angered by the upgrade in Facebook functions that only served to reinforce its original meaning...

Any other comments? I'd love to hear your thoughts! :-)


At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you. (I do have more to say, but I'm testing the comment boxes first).


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