Red Bull Gives Us Wings For Finals
Hey everyone
I was sitting in the government office and happened to find a very interesting flyer:
"Up, up and an A! Need some Wiiings to help carry you through exam week? TXT "wiiings" along with your location on campus to 781-526-2984 this Thursday between 8pm-10pm!"
As much as I love cool ways of advertising and promos, i.e. the Chase Bank Facebook pedicabs (SO COOL); this redbull flyer is definitly at the top of my list. Redbull is promoting and advertising exactly what it does best. Keeping you awake when you can't do it by yourself anymore. All while staying in tune with one of their core target markets. The brand is so alligned with their consumers views and uses of the product that they chose a brilliant time "exam week" to satisfy consumer needs and take away attention from competing products.
Redbull was among the first of its kind and continues to lead the pack by reinforcing its purpose and product features as well as linking associations to specific situations in which Red Bull can be used to keep you awake. This linking of associations adds value to the core brand and makes it easier for people to think of situations in which to use the product. So if anyone needs red bull this Thurday try it out and see if you develop a little loyalty.
Yvette Hakim
I think in theory this is a great idea, although I wonder how well it will actually work. The strict guidelines placed on the promotion is definitely one deterrent. Another thing they probably forgot to think about is the fact that BU students have terrier cards that have the ability to make it seem like you're not really spending money. I know that I personally would not take the time or effort to be on campus on that day at that time when I could just go to campco and buy one for 2 dollars on my terrier card. Word.
-Adam Herzog
I actually think that's a great idea on Red Bull's part. Red Bull has done a great job promoting to college campuses and this tops the cake. Not only do they have the red bull car (with the big red bull can on top of the car), and this, they also help promote a lot of college events. I think they realize how much college students rely on caffeine and Red Bull just wants to associate themselves as THE caffeine drink that will keep you energized. By giving them away (especially to college students, who just love free stuff), it's a great way to get people to start drinking red bull and continuously repeat their trials.
I also do not think that the guidelines of the promotion are not stringent, especially with how large our campus is. I think people are more willing to get a free red bull and travel maybe a block or two, then pay the actual two dollars, even with their terrier card.
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