Posting a Comment

Hi Everyone.
Professor Fournier has gotten a couple of questions concerning posting a comment.
So here's the deal:
ANYONE can post a comment on any post they would like to. You do not need to sign on to our blogger screenname (mk487a1) in order to post a comment (although you DO need to if you decided you would like to post a blog). If you look at the image (I'm sorry it's so small), you can see that you are given three choices of how to comment. You can comment through our screenname (if you are signed on), through "other" (which allows you to put a name and hyperlink onto the name), and "anonymous" (which is pretty self-explanatory). I recommend that you use the "Other" feature so that you can leave your name on the comment, so that people know who you are and professor Fournier can give you credit for participating.
I also changed the comment moderation setting, so the comments will not have to go through me in order to be posted.
To test this out, if you have any questions about posting (comments or blogs), uploading photos (through blogger or a URL), and hyperlinking, try and comment here!
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