Brand, James Brand

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Car advertising getting down and dirty (Europe)

Hi class =)

I am not a car aficionado, but my brother is... Couple of days ago, he was showing me some ads and I thought they are very interesting.. These car advertisments are supposedly from Europe, and I wished ads here could be as funny.

These ads show how the manufacturers are trying to create brand positioning in the consumer minds. Each brands counteracted their competitors, though I do not think they could damage the brand image that has long been established.

The attack of the ads: Audi to BMW. Then BMW to Audi. Subaru getting in the fun, hitting both BMW and Audi.

And the best, Bentley closing the salvo of ads with the most 'immature' closing at all of them. The best way to end an argument: in the advertising world and also in real life.

Is this fun advertising useless and a waste of money? What are you thoughts about this?

- Joanne Cahyadi


At 9:57 AM, Blogger Brand007 said...

Hey Joanne,

I liked the advertisements. I have never seent them before, and in fact, I was a bit surprised. Using competitors' names in your commercials is to me very spectacular. In Denmark, it is illegal to compare your own product to another brand. In stead they refer to the comparitive brand as the traditional ... (e.g. detergent) within the market. I agree with you that they are quite funny, but regarding their effectiveness I dont think they had any impact apart from creating awareness. Then again, how much are people affected by advertisements when buying a high involvement good suck as a car?

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Brand007 said...

sorry, I meant.. good such as a car..


Christina Fahrenholtz


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