The brand of Britney Spears
Fact: Between November 22 and December 2, Britney Spears has flashed her front, rear, and C-section scar five times to paparazzi.
Fact: Following her recent divorce to pop sensation (cough cough) Kevin Federline, Britney seems to be trying to reposition herself as the sexy independent hipster she once was. On her website, she writes, “I look forward to a new year, new music and a new me.”
Seriously Britney Spears, five times in less than two weeks?
It is true that these shenanigans are creating buzz and getting people to talk; but I don’t think that this is this is the direction the Britney Spears brand, or any other celebrity brand for that matter, should go. Not only is she depreciating her own brand image to the point where people don’t respect her, but she is also negating all the glitz and glamour that made her a celebrity in the first place. I guess from a marketing standpoint, one can argue that Britney Spears has done an exceptional job of building buzz and getting in the spotlight again. From a branding standpoint, however, she is lowering herself to the level of a harlot.
Thanks for reading,
I agree with Ryans comments about Brittney's drastic actions to generate buzz about herself, but let's get real for a minute. In terms of creating a "shock factor," Brittney is maxed out! She was married and divorced to childhood friend, Jason Alexander, in 24 hours, made-out with Madonna, and got into numerous public brawls with her pop-sensation ex-husband, Kevin Federline. In terms of getting the media to talk, what else can she do?? Brittney has publically announced that she's trying to start up her music career again by getting back into the studio and back into shape. In order to get her name out there again, she has no choice but to create buzz. Even though flashing the paparazzi seems drastic, as Mark Hughes explained, all buzz is good buzz. Brittney is just doing what any good publicist would advise.
-Samantha Bichler
I dont know if all buzz is good buzz. In the last issue of US that I read a lot of her fans that were polled expressed disatisfaction with Britney and don't believe she'll be able to make a comeback. It's pretty harsh when the once pop queen becomes trashier than her soon to be ex husband kevin federline.
I agree that not all buzz is good buzz. recently my friend melissa came over in hysterics yelling "i just saw britney spears's genatalia on the internet!!!" and proceeded to show us all. it was slightly horrifying and reality just sends her continuously down the trashy shame spiral she has begun. I don't think anyone is going to take her seriously again, however she IS still in the public eye after all this time and that's saying something.
sara barr
I agree with Heather. I think that Britney is ruining her brand by being this women who does not know how to wear underwear. I felt a lot of public was willing to forgive her for the last two years because they felt her image was influenced by her soon-to-be ex-husband. Now that "Fed-ex" is out of the picture, and with her image continuously being a bit on the "trashy" side, people are questioning whether she has what it takes to comeback into the music industry. What do you guys think?
I mean, I think I just really hope that she can get her act together. I do agree with Sam though, all buzz is good buz, but it depends how you want to be seen. I think that hanging out with Paris and Lindsay Lo (although, she did just get admitted to AA) kind of repositioned her back to her old "target market" of young girls, but she has 2 kids! And she could definitely afford some panties. I have not lost complete faith yet, but it's getting there.
I think whether 'all buzz is good buzz' really depends on what kind of brand the buzz is about. When something bad happens to a product brand (thus generating negative buzz), it can kill a brand. So in that case, I don't think all buzz is good buzz. But people brands are very different from product brands. Using the Britney example, no matter how negative her actions may be, she can always recover. Her stock totally plummeted from the baby incidents, but people still love her. In the end, people realize that she's just human and it's that human element that provides a buffer for her brand. So in the case of people brands, all buzz is good buzz because negative behavior (if properly handled) make people feel closer to the brand and like it that much more.
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