Brand, James Brand

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Harley Davidson Ad

Hey, I recently saw Harley's new ad- black sheep
I found it on this website
And this is the link to the actual video
I just wanted to talk about how they are keeping with a constant brand image with this ad. Its a great ad, i really like it. Its about freedom, and being differnet from everyone else, in a good way. They dont even show the bike until the end. So to them, its not about the actaul bike but the experience behind it. As we have talked about harley in many classes, what do you guys think of the ad? Do you think they should be focusing on something else?


At 8:59 PM, Blogger Brand007 said...

Great add. Simple, powerful execution. Also, I think the music choice was great. Guns N' Roses was a band known for their wild, bad boy antics. It also added to the metaphor of finding "home" or belonging with your fellow Harley Davidson rebels. Harley Davidson does a great job of connecting with its audience.
~Mandy Murphy


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