Building Interest in "Dreamgirls"
In order to promote their new movie "Dreamgirls," Dreamworks has been paying the licencing costs for noncommercial theater groups to put on the stage version of the production since the summer of 2005. The marketing department for Dreamworks felt that everyone involved in the production of the show (ie: cast, crew, directors, stagehands, ushers, etc) would be more inclined to see the movie and create buzz. In addition, the organizations putting on the musical performances would be promoting the show to local patrons, and would create buzz for the movie title. Dreamworks plans to invest $250,000 in this project.
Because Dreamworks has agreed to pay the licensing fees, the number of "Dreamgirls" productions has vastly increased nationwide.
I think this is a great way to promote the movie. Promotion through various media outlets is a great way to promote a new film. For example, if a book is extremely successful (ie: The Devil Wears Prada or The DaVinci Code), then the movie is generally successful as well. By stimulating press surrounding the title, the movie has a head start in creating awareness and buzz.
Check out this article at:,0,4664871.story?coll=la-headlines-business-advert
- Samantha Bichler
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