First Class Cabins
I found this article about American Airlines upgrading their first class cabins. American Airlines is spending $20 million to improve their Boeing 767 aircrafts that fly the longest US routes. The first class cabins will include flat-screen televisions and personal entertainment devices offering movies, TV, music and video games. They will also replace bulky analog tape systems and cathode-ray tube monitors to make more space.
This article reminded me of Experience Engineering’s Lou Carbone because the airline industry relies heavily on the “experience.” The fact that American Airlines is trying to improve their first class experience is a step in the right direction to having a competitive advantage over other domestic airlines. This article also reminded me of my first experience flying first class. It was amazing. I sat down in the leather seat and was able to fully extend my legs without hitting the seat in front of me! Immediately, I was served a cup of warm pistachios and cashews, and then the flight attendant walks over to offer me a beverage. On airplanes I love Ocean Spray’s Cranapple Drink and the difference between first class and coach is that when you are done with your drink, in first class you are immediately offered another drink. In coach, you rush to finish your drink so that you can throw your cup away when the flight attendant walks by with the trash bag (well at least I feel rushed).
Erica Lee
first class cabins- you really get what you pay... i think people don't mind paying alot more for luxury, especially for long flights. The american airline is definitely differentiating themselves with the other domestic airlines by doing this upgrade. but i am sure, sooner or later, the other airlines will upgrade their first class cabins as well. how much are they willing to invest, knowing that the airline industry is not doing well though?
-joanne Cahyadi
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