Brand, James Brand

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Charmin Restroom

On a recent trip to New York I saw an interesting form of marketing from Charmin toilet paper. In Times Square, Charmin is sponsoring a public restrooms as a gift to the city and to advertise their new roll of toilet paper that is 4 times the size of a normal roll. The outside of the building is painted in the Charmin blue with the logo and pictures of the Charmin bear everywhere, the Charmin song playing, and workers encouraging people to enter. The restrooms aren't set up like traditional stalls, but instead are more representative of a home bathroom. The one exception is that the inside of each stall is covered with Charmin messages. In addition to the restroom experience, there is a display to try Puffs tissues, a stage where someone is teaching kids the Charmin dance, and a Charmin bear with a sled you can take pictures with. Also, as you are leaving the restroom they hand out toiletpaper holder extenders, to allow your toiletpaper holder at home to fit with the new larger roll they're advertising. I thought this was a great marketing move. Everyone in Time's Square wants a clean restroom and it gives everyone a chance to actually try a product usually bought on credence. In addition, it gets kids enganged and having fun. And when you get home from your vacation and are looking at pictures, there is the reminder of Charmin when seeing the picture with the Charmin bear. This one move reaches consumers several times and in several ways.

-Danielle DeBenedetto


At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the Charmin restrooms in the middle of Times Square is a great idea. It is a new and innovative way to market a commodity product. Most of the time when I go to the grocery store to buy toilet paper, I pick the brand that is the softest-and coincidentally it is Charmin! I think allowing consumers to sample Charmin toilet paper will generate more awareness and make Charmin's "softness" the differentiating factor that affects people's decison to buy toilet paper.

The Charmin restrooms also relate to Lou Carbone's "experience engineering." Charmin is trying to provide different positive clues in order for the consumer to feel positively about the brand. It also creates a buzz because we have never seen a toilet paper company use this promotion method.

Erica Lee

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Brand007 said...

I, too, experienced the Charmin’s Time’s Square bathrooms on a recent visit to New York City. I felt that one of their strong strategies was to create media buzz. No one has ever pulled a marketing campaign like this one. I’m sure this was on the news somewhere. It goes back to what the creator of mentioned: if you get people to talk about it the media will pick up on it. As you mentioned before, when the people get home and look at the pictures they took from Times Square, they will see the huge Charmin bear as well as the logo all over the place. Time Square was also a great area to use because of the high traffic of tourists from all over the country, especially in the Christmas season.

-Jose Diaz

At 12:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the Charmin restroom when I went to NY for thanksgiving. I think it was a very smart move. Time square is a very great location for the restroom,since all the tourists go there, and it is very hard to find a restroom there.

by Alice Lee

At 3:18 PM, Blogger Brand007 said...

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At 3:20 PM, Blogger Brand007 said...

I also saw this article in the advertising section of The NY Times and was absolutely shocked! I had never heard of such an original marketing campaign but I think it has the potential to be extremely successful.
Not only will the Charmin restrooms make more impresions in 1 day than any billboard on a major Boston thoroughfare would make in weeks, but there has been so much buzz surrounding this campaign as well. People have been talking about how original this marketing strategy is since the event's lauch. I think it's a great idea!
-Samantha Bichler


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