Brand, James Brand

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wal-Mart Fires Marketing Exec

I remember reading this article in the newspaper last week and here it is again in BrandWeek. Julie Roehm, Wal-Mart's svp marketing was fired after allegations that she vilotated Wal-Mart's strict ethics policy during it's recent review of agencies. From what I gather in the article, she was kind of crazy. Roehm was very into sexy type ads which are not really Wal-Mart's style and there was a culture clash. she used to work at Dodge who in 2004, sponsored a "Lingerie Bowl as a half time show for the SuperBowl. She also came up with Chrysler ads that alluded to people having sex in their car, and also two men talking about size while standing at a urinial. I am all for sex appeal, in fact we even tried to use it for our core project. I think that most of the time, if advertisers use it right, it works. Remember that ad for Dentene Fire gum? There were 2 people paying at the same time and they each kept putting different items on the register and they were looking at each other, then they started making out. It was a really good commercial. Wal-Mart though- I feel like this isn't the best idea. It should also be said that Roehm was defending Wal-Mar'ts usage of "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays" which nowadays, could turn people away from Wal-Mart. I could understand how she wanted to re-vamp Wal-Mart from being kind of an icky store whose managers are stingy with employee health benefits, but she is taking it a little too far. Draft's new agancy model will feature traditional agency creativity with an emphasis on direct marketing. Draft hosted a party at trendy Nobu restaraunt in NYC and Roehm was there and seen sitting on different men's laps and downing drinks. Sounds like maybe Wal-Mart is better off with out her.
--Lauren Wettenstein


At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think walmart is definitely better off without her. her work strategies does not correleate with walmart's brand image. i, for sure, do not want my 'family store' to be full of sexual appeal. i think, how you behave represents your whole self. i am not trying to stereotype to how a walmart employee should behave, but there is some extend to how people should act in public knowing that they are holding image of their company. it's funny how she got through the job process in the first place.. did HR think she fits the role just because she has experience? haha..

-joanne Cahyadi


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