Connecting with Customers to Build Brand Equity
Hi Class,
I just recently came across a very interesting article on, "10 Breakway Brands."
Last week we discussed different methods companies use determine the strength of a particular brand and throughout the semester we have been discussing brand strength and its importance. This article specifically addresses the importance of "hitting home" with your audience and how this can translate into brand equity by allowing a company to stand out against its competitors.
I personally feel that if marketers cannot make an impact on their target market, than all the marketing dollars that may have been spent to produce an ad or launch a particular promotion or campaign are worthless. Furthermore, I believe that if consumers feel a particular brand can create meaning in their life they are more apt to purchase, such as was the case with the brands that the three women felt so strongly about.
The article also discusses the implementation of Young & Rubicam's BrandAsset Valuator, which we discussed in class and how the New York consultancy, BrandEconomics calculates brand value, and how these tests yielded valuable insight into the brand equity of various companies.
One of the points that I found interesting was that one of the reasons iPod has generated such brand loyalty is the experience provided by the apple store itself and cites other examples of other ways that companies, such as Robitussin and Dove, have "reached out" to it's consumers.
Carolina C. Ibarrola
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