Brand, James Brand

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Drug Advertising Boom

In this week's Brandweek there was an article discussing the increasing drug advertisements due to the increase in diabetes drugs and the diabetes epidemic. Some people view branded drug advertisements in poor taste. While it is a shame that the number of people with diabetes is increasing, I think that it is good for the number of drugs available to increase. Certain drugs are better suited for certain people, and with the increase in drugs, as well as improvements from new research, people receive better treatment. As for the advertising for these drugs, I believe it is good to inform consumers about their treatment options. They might see a drug on a commercial that is better suited for them that they can then ask their doctor about.

-Danielle DeBenedetto


At 9:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I agree that there are different causes of Diabetes, especially if discussing type I versus type II, the primary reason why there has been an increase in the number of individuals is due to the rise in obesity among both children and adults. Type II diabetes only has so many causes and the treatments while improving are not all as effective for treating the same causes. I believe that in something as important as the medication and individual is taking it is important to associate a brand with it because with a brand comes a certain level of trusted quality. I do, however, believe that there is a rise in clutter among advertisements which make it a challege for patients and doctors who are exposed with more choices as well as marketers whose responsibility it is to stand out among other brands.


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