New Identities
I wanted to talk about a website that the lat guest speaker brought up during the lunch meeting.
It’s a website dedicated to showing how the logos of many companies have changed, why they have changed, what they think of the new one, etc. You can look through the different companies by year. My favotite one is Kodak’s logo that was changed in 2006. Their new logo has been taken out of the traditional yellow box, and is now a more contemporary look, with distinctive letters. It was definitely a time for change especially with the change in photography use to digital. Kodak needed a new and fresh, yet clean look.
Take a look at your website? Which is your favorite? Has your Project’s brand made a change recently?
-Sandra Sanieoff
That is a really interesting website...thanks for sharing. The Aflac logo caught my eye becuase it has the duck as part of the logo. It seems like a good change in some ways because the old logo was boring, and at quick glance, I would never associate it with the Aflac I know from the duck commercials. The duck commercials really increased brand awareness for Aflac, so incorporating it as part of the logo seems like it might be a good idea. On the other hand, having a duck as part of the brand logo for an insurance company almost seems too casual and not serious enough.
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