Brand, James Brand

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Can Branding help to mitigate the risks of the Pharmaceutical industry?

There is an article today in the N.Y. Times, "FDA says Bayer failed to reveal drug risk study," that makes me think about the importance of branding. Particularly in the Pharmaceutical industry, branding seems of the utmost importance. Companies face constant risk- the threat of competition or even lawsuits as new product info becomes known and discoveries are made. Branding, if done properly, may be able to help mitigate some of the risks involved in this industry, by helping to retain customer’s loyalty even in the face of crisis. But the question is, is it harder to build a brand in this industry? An industry where many people chose their products based on price: choosing a generic or store brand over a recognized label. Plus there is the added difficulty of insurance for prescription products, since insurance policy's automatically shift the consumer from the name brand to a cheaper generic version of the product once it becomes available.

Just something to think about.

- Berit Auerbach-Lynn


At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a very interesting point. My behavior for shopping for drugs is kind of weird. When it comes to buying everyday over the counter drugs, I would automatically buy the braded drug such as Tylenol or Advil. Just because I trust them the most and it’s something I am more comfortable with. But when it comes to drugs I use only when I have a cold or something or prescription drugs, I will always buy the generic brand, such as the CVS Sudafed. Maybe the reason to this shopping pattern of mine is because I don’t have to use them as often, so I rather not spend as much money. If its going to take me months to go through a bottle of IB prophen, I rather spend a couple of dollars more.
So in conclusion I don’t know how important it is for drugs to have a strong brand, maybe just the ones that’s have been around for a while.
-Sandra Sanieoff


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