How The Movies Can Affect Consumer Behavior
In an article called "Panned on Screen, Merlot Shrugs and Moves On" the author states:
"WHAT’S the best thing to happen to merlot in the last few years? Why, “Sideways,” the movie that so roundly trashed merlot while genuflecting before the new god of red wine, pinot noir.
The movie gave shape to an inchoate movement away from American merlot in the marketplace, and spoke the truth in caustic terms: namely that most merlot produced in the United States is not very good. As a result, the anti-merlot trend accelerated. Fewer people bought it, and producers bottled less of it. "
In this day in age product placement has become a huge trend amongst marketers. Usually the placement is in efforts to support the brand and aid the entire marketing mix. But what about when a movie decides to include your product category but speaks of it negatively. According to this article it can create many negative associations with the category that might not have been there before. In the case of merlot, it actually resulted in a decline in sales! As marketers, let me ask you: Is this fair? What should marketers do in response?
~Sabrina Wells~
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