Brand, James Brand

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Cisco trying to reinvent itself...

Its funny that Cisco is trying to reinvent its image, even though its largely a B2B solutions provider. To me, it seems like the company is going to take the brand name into more consumer driven markets or the company just wants to start fresh from the DotCom crash of the late 90's. If IT employees recognize the brand name when they're in Best Buy or Circuit City making a personal purchase, the better for Cisco I guess.

The company released the new logo in October, and a quick search in Google Images of "cisco logo" or even "new cisco logo" elicits results corresponding to the old logo and not a single result displaying the new logo. Actually, the first result for "new cisco logo" in Google is this one attached to the left. I suppose its going to take a little time before the new logo begins to gain some popularity.

-Hasan Syed


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