I scream, You scream, we all scream for....cocaine?
An awkward silence falls into the conversation....
"you, uh...did WHAT last night?"
"oh, i did cocaine - no big deal though"
This conversation could be going one of two ways:
"so yeah... i gotta go - have fun with your cocaine"
"what do you mean?"
if conversation #2 is chosen, the apparent drug fiend will go on to say that it was, in fact, not actual cocaine they were "doing" but a new energry drink titled after it's more illegal namesake/counterpart. This new energy drink called simply "cocaine". It is supposed to be a huge energy rush - apparently 350% stronger than redbull. so the question is - why? whywhywhywhywhywhy? and the answer is - because energy drinks are old hat - everyone and their mother has spent a night hopped up on redbull to finish a paper - but has anyone taken it farther? The fact is that redbull, while giving you a short burst of energy - doesn't continue the job into the deep, dark hours of the night. But apparently "cocaine" does.
a news.com article gleans the following information:
"When a person sees the name of the drink, some psychological effect happens and the person is already experiencing the energy buzz before they even open the can," speculates Cocaine inventor Jamey Kirby, whose company, Redux Beverages, is based in Las Vegas.
"I can think of no other product except real cocaine that could have that effect on the public."
Taste-testers say the drink hits hard. "It does give you a little rush," one sipper said.
Another hated the feeling the drink gave her. "I don't like the tingly feeling in my chest. I feel my heart racing and I'm not being paranoid . . . I feel looped."
Kirby said an ingredient was added to slightly numb the throat to add an oral sensation much like cocaine does."
so i guess the rest is left up to you, partygoers - it's time to decide, to be or not to be...BUZZED?
I actually first heard of this energy drink on the Daily Show in a segment that was nothing short of hysterical. You can see the segment on utube at this address
Apparently there have been a number of segments on different news shows, as well as comdeic consumer generated videos posted youtube, talking about the energy drink and it's very untraditional name. I think the whole idea is hysterical, especially because on the daily show the creater of the drink refused to drink two in a row and because everyone who tried it thought it was terrible. I know there are ethical implications for small children, ex-drug addicts, etc. but I don't think the energy drink will last so I am not too concerned.
That rant above was from I, Adam Herzog. Just so everyone knows.
Brilliant idea. The evergy drink industry is highly saturated and difficult to differentiate. Afterall, people drink for the engery not really the taste, so differentiating on taste--what most companies have done till now--does not lend them sustainable competitive advantage. What Cocaine is doing however, is rather revolutional. People are always drawn to taboo topics and thats why marketers keep using them. From surf board wax "Sex Wax" to Ck's "Obsession", using taboo topics and shock tactics seem to be working...
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