Brand, James Brand

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My Card is American Express

I just wanted to discuss the amazing American Express commercials with Ellen Degeneres that have been airing lately. The one that I am referring to has two different variations, but it is her going into work and her co-workers are all animals. She is talking to them, and they are all sitting around the conference room, one is doing her hair, another is on the type writer- it must have taken sooo much time to create but it is wonderful. The ending line is "My dream is to wrok with animals, my card is american express". This campaign is relatively old for Amex but is seems to be working very well. I have seen several other companies imitate the interactive types of campaigns that involve peoples personal stories and filling in the blanks. Secret deodarant for example has recently come out with the "Share your secret" campaign. One add shows two old ladies that are sharing their secrets how one took the other one's brother to prom and they ended up getting married, but the secret was that he was bribed to take her to prom in the first place. My team in MK469 also used this technique when we had to redesign an ad for True Religion jeans, and we made it interactive. I think that we made a campaign that went, "my religion is (whatever hobby he/she loves- ie: Sunday Brunch with my girlfriends), my jeans are True." It turned out really well. I hope that the interactive trend continues to thrive.
--Lauren Wettenstein


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