Brand, James Brand

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Capital Pacific Trust case

Hey class,

Well I just wanted to comment on the class today about Security Capital Pacific Trust case. I agree that it was a great idea for the company to create a brand for their company. When professor Fournier said that they changed their name to ArchStone I realized I use to live on one of their properties for two years here in Boston (2000 Commonwealth Ave) near Boston College.

The people at BC consider Archstone as one of the premier properties near their school. As Kihn said in class about the extra services they offer are still being implemented in the building. The building has a coffee lounge downstairs at the lobby where tenants can hang around and watch television on two plasma TVs. They also have a few computers downstairs where the tenants can print and go online and fax for no extra charge.

I have to admit they do charge relatively high for rent but with all the amenities it is well worth it. Secondly the turn over in that building is relatively low. It’s about two years and it is always full.

I just wanted to comment because I found it cool… Oh and Jin-Kyu lives there as well. (For you guys who dont know hes in our class)

Jose Espino


At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This case also made me think a lot about the quality of life in my apartment and how I percieve my management company. Interesting, last year the managment of my apartment was moved from the owners to a real estate company. Although the owners still handle maintenance, the other company handles everything else. I definetly liked it much better before, when everything was all in one place. I felt like they took better care of us since they were responsible for everything and really knew what was going on. From that standpoint, I think that what Capital Pacific Trust did was a good thing.

At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha ;p

Archstone and Hamilton Company are one of the biggest home providers in Mass.
What I have preserved from both companies' properties was that Archstone properties were all somewhat luxurius and offers extra care. On the other hand, Hamilton Company holds more properties; yet, they are not unified. They offer all kinds and levels of properties.
I am curious which company performs better.


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