Brand, James Brand

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Pepsi Co. introduced Healthy Products in Whole Foods

Pepsi Co. has been trying to change its image from a cola company to a healthier food and beverage company. On Nov 13th, the company announced that it started introducing products through Whole Foods Market store in order to target health-conscious segment. Pepsi Co. is now selling a line of healthy chips, "Sun Snacks" and is starting market tests a smoothie product, Fuelosophy. Moreover, Pepsi Co. has acquired three other brands in the healthy food category, Izze sparkling juice drinks, Stacy's Pita Chips, and Mother's Natural Cereals. All three products were sold in Whole Foods stores before PepsiCo bought them and will continue to be.

Interestingly, none of the products mentioned Pepsi Co. on its packaging. I believe that Pepsi Co. does not want the unhealthy Pepsi Coke image affect the consumers' perception of the healthy products.

For more information, pls go to

by Alice Lee


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