It's second and for USC?
I watched the USC v. Oregon game last night when I saw something I had never seen during a football game before. By the yellow ten-yard indicator line was the logo, and the announcers also mentioned that the, "ten yard line is brought to you by" There really isn't a place where you can't put an ad. Pretty soon, field goals will be brought to you by Coca-Cola, Reebok, etc. Too bad TiVo doesn't have a way to edit out those commercials. Fox doesn't care if looking at an logo while trying to watch a play annoys its viewers, it's just more ad revenue for them. Where's the line between creative marketing and annoying marketing, and do media executives even care?
~Mandy Murphy
This phenomenon is going on throughout the sports world. Advertisements are everywhere in sporting arenas. There is too much revenue to be made from advertising in novel places. Baseball games give out advertising space behind home plate that is put in by a computer so only those watching at home see it. This is happening overseas too. I was watching a rugby game between Australia and New Zealand and the whole field was covered by digitally put it advertisements. It's getting annoying.
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