Brand, James Brand

Friday, November 03, 2006

speaking of creating in space anyone?

After our guest lecture on buzz marketing, I found an interesting article in the Boston Globe about an MIT student trying to spark a buzz for his research satellite in order to raise money. Thaddeus R.F. Fulford-Jones (that's a mouthful), announced that he will sell adspace on his satellite to companies in order to raise the funds needed for his research product. The satellite will be sent up into space, and sponsors will not only have their name on the satellite, it will also be listed on the student's website. It sounds ridiculous but so did selling one pixel of an internet site to adverisers to raise 1 million dollars to support an education (the million dollar homepage, you can look it up on the internet), but that worked, mainly because of the media attention surrounding it. I'm sure as the idea spreads, many Americans would be interested to see what companies are sending their names into space and within a few years that kid may just get the money needed to do his research...hey, we're already talking about it.

-Heather Campbell


At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel that coming up with something ridiculous and adding a brand to it is the recipe for success as far as buzz goes. Look at the example that the speaker gave with, Ohio. Ridiculous…but genius. The reason these methods work is because people are so bored with traditional media. Head-On took it a step further and created a generic looking commercial and took it to the next level of annoyance. I saw people dressed up as Head-On sticks for Halloween. Tactics like these definitely increase sales and keep brands in mouths.


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