Brands' Shows
Since the lecture from our guest speaker, Mark Hughes, I have been interesting in the topic of advertiser-produced content. Advertisers want to create their own show talking about their brand rather than just displaying the products (BMW case). For example, Medicis, a pharmaceutical company, creates a new reality series, Hottest Mom in America, just to promote their products.
At the beginning, I think that creating a whole new show is a new technique from marketing world. But, it doesn’t take me long to found out that this trend has already been started. Here are the brands that already producing their own shows.
Procter & Gamble: “Home Made Simple”
Office Max: “Schooled”
Unilever: “The Gamekillers”
Snicker: “Instant Def”
Anheuser-Busch: “BudTV”
Khin M. Aye
The difference that America's Hottest MomThe difference that America's Hottest Mom provides is the reality factor and the interaction it creates with the viewer. Like American Idol, the viewers will determine America’s Hottest Mom. We’ve learned that engaging the viewers gives them the feeling of control. They will keep coming back to watch the show to see how many people voted along with them. Not to mention to see the hot moms, or at least I will. :^O
-Jose Diaz
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