Brand, James Brand

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

CORE Culture

SMG Student Government’s Junior Class Officers recently released the CORE hoodies. Thinking back, I’m sure you all remember what has written on the hoodies last year. They read, “You think you know, but you have no idea.” This year, in addition to spoofing the all-so-famous MasterCard line, a top brand has managed to make its way onto the core hoodies. It reads something like this: “Tuition… $42,000, Text Books… $540, Red Bull… $2 x 48. Spending 174,320 hours with your team… Priceless.”

We learned a lot this semester about ways in which brands become a part of culture. Red Bull did not pay for this spot. So how did it end up on a sweatshirt that business students at BU will remember for years to come? It has become part of the culture, meshing well with the existing culture of hard work, late nights, and minimal sleep. Red Bull fits right in as the fuel that keeps many students afloat.

So in the days of “Google it,” “Facebook me,” and “Febreze it,” brands that really resonate with their target, that can really find a way into their lives, and that can become the "only" and best way to fulfill a need may find their path to success laid for them.

-Nadia Schwartz


At 1:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 1:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is strange. You would think that Starbucks of all sources of caffeine would make it onto that sweatshirt. Especially since we've been spoiled with its convenient location from day one.

I guess that goes to show how, for our generation and the ones following, it isn't enough for a brand to just make a good impression. It's got to go beyond. Both Starbucks and Red Bull will help you pull that all-nighter, keep your eyelids open through classes the next day, and then help you pull another all-nighter if necessary (and in CORE it usually is). But then, Red Bull takes it one step further. Red Bull (along with your other best friend - Vodka) will help you celebrate your record breaking 72 hours of no sleep.

At 1:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is strange. You would think that Starbucks of all sources of caffeine would make it onto that sweatshirt. Especially since we've been spoiled with its convenient location from day one.

I guess that goes to show how, for our generation and the ones following, it isn't enough for a brand to just make a good impression. It's got to go beyond. Both Starbucks and Red Bull will help you pull that all-nighter, keep your eyelids open through classes the next day, and then help you pull another all-nighter if necessary (and in CORE it usually is). But then, Red Bull takes it one step further. Red Bull (along with your other best friend - Vodka) will help you celebrate your record breaking 72 hours of no sleep.


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