attention grabbers or annoyances?
Hi everyone-
I am not sure if everyone noticed, but in this weeks Brandweek, there is a gold-colored 2-paged (front and back) ad for the PMA's 2007 Reggie Awards. The pages are slightly thicker than everything else in the magazine, which makes the reader flip to them almost immediately when leafing through. The PMA is not the first to make an ad of this nature and thicker pages are found in all types of magazines in order to draw consumer attention. My question to you is whether you believe this type of advertising is effective or simply an annoyance while trying to flip to other articles of interest? Personally, I find them to be rather annoying because it makes flipping through to other articles very frustrating. With these types of advertisements my awareness is definately increased, but cause negative brand associations unless it is a product that I am already very loyal to.
Carolina Ibarrola
I think that it was a really smart move on their part. It's kind of like what Mark Hughs said, negative attention isn't always bad. Since their probably not targeting anyone specific and people are constantly opening up to their page, it might evoke some curiousity or work as a reminder.
At this point i dont really find pages like that annoying anymore. Also, usually when that happens, I don't really think to place blame on the company who advertised in that fashion. But thats just my opinion.
-Shauny Lamba
I think people who usually read those magazines have become so numb to those type of advertisements that they either flip past them just tear them out and throw them away. Since they do take more effort to look over, those type of advertisement do leave a longer lasting impression that just a regular ad. I do however agree that sometimes this attention grabbing tactic can back fire and can have negative associations, but for the most part, I don't think readers pay too much attention to it. I think the negative association is attached to the brand only when it becomes a larger nuisance and more of a time waster for the consumer(i.e. a 40 second annoying commercial during your favorite show).
-Sri Reddy
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