Brand, James Brand

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Saab Performance Team

Recently the American Marketing Association had a guest speaker come in who talked about working with GM, one of her clients. Saab, one of GM's brands, has a performance team that travels around to demonstrate the abilities of the car by performing tricks and shows. One of these shows was videotaped by an attendee and posted on YouTube, where it became extremely popular and generated lots of hits. When Saab found out about this, they decided to create some videos of their own with the performance team to post on the Saab website. I thought this was an interesting example of a company using and capitalizing on consumer generated marketing and externally created buzz. Thanks to the Youtube user who posted the video, Saab found a new way to draw consumers to their site that they hadn't thought of before. This is one way to successfully use consumer generated marketing. (To see the Youtube video, go to

-Danielle DeBenedetto


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