Brand, James Brand

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

actually ridiculous. what will they get their hand on next?

anheuser-busch is again sponsoring the "BUD LIGHT/USA ROCK PAPER SCISSORS LEAGUE". this just goes to show that someone will sponsor nearly anything as long as it gets their name out there...all buzz is good buzz i guess, however i don't know if they're trying to make RPS a "manly, competetitive" sport - i just don't see that happening. Finalists apparently compete on television for a $50,000 grand prize in the championship in Las Vegas. Over 10,000 RPS enthusiasts participated in 2006.

just to give you an idea of what it's like:


At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, i think its a pretty smart idea for Bud to sponsor RPS. Sure, the game itself is retarded but Bud has never tried to have the image of sohpisticated wine-glass-swirling, TIME-reading philosphe. I think this goes well with their brand mantra of "King of Beers" since the associations to the mantra is about winning and masculinity. And theres nothing more masculine than chicks in skimpy clothing engaged in mildly-competitive sport....


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