Brand, James Brand

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Two Long-Established Marketers Loosen Up

Hey class,

To continue off of Tuesday's discussion on consumer created video spots, there was an article in Tuesday's New York Times about this topic.
Two companies, GE and PepsiCo, who have long been known for using conventional media, have just decided to expand their marketing efforts. Pepsi has just launched consumer created video spots for their new soft drink, Mountain Dew MDX. These videos can be seen on You Tube.
Similarly, GE launched four films, some live and some animated. These humorous videos "fashion the idea that imaginative approaches can solve challenging problems." These videos are available on Time Warner's On-Demand Cable.
Both companies are looking to keep up with their competitors by showing advertising in unique channels. As we saw in the Chevy, Sony, and Apple cases, all types of marketing, whether positive or negative, creates buzz and streghtens brand hype and awareness.

Feel free to check out the article at:

-Samantha Bichler


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