Film & TV Effects on Opinions
Hey Class,
Thinking back to our PG&E (Pacific, Gas, and Electric) discussion that we had a while ago, I wonder how much the effects of film, tv, and other medias play in building our opinions of brands? For example, the movie Erin Brockovich, featured the chemical poisoning of hundreds of people in the state of California. After the release of the movie, how many people changed their opinions of the popular company?
Additionally, the Apple ad that Professor Fournier showed us about the new Mac and 1984, resounds the feelings and fears of most people around 1948. The fear of communism and the loss of individuality was so strong, that a novel was inspired. Does the emphasis of this theme play a vastly important role in the attitudes formed by those who orginally saw the Apple ad back in 1984?
Does real life and fiction alter what we think of the everyday? Do the marketing messages that we receive become skewed when we can use real life examples to form our opinions?
I'd be interested to hear your thoughts!
~Katie David